
Origin: San Juan la Laguna, Guatemala Ethnicity: Maya Tz’utujil Enrollment Date: September, 2014 At only 4 years old, Linda is already counting to 10 in English and ready to attend school. She only speak Tz’utujil at home with her grandmother Rosa…

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Origin: Santiago Atitlán, Guatemala Ethnicity: Maya Kaqchikel Enrollment: September, 2014 Abner, at only 5 years old, has proved to be one of the most…

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Origin: El Triunfo, Guatemala Ethnicity: Maya Kaqchikel Enrollment Date: September, 2014 Jonathan is 4 years old and is fluent in Kaqchikel and is learning Spanish. He is the son of Juana, a weaver in rural Guatemala. Juana founded the women’s…

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Origin: Barrio Jucanya, Panajachel, Guatemala Ethnicity: Maya Kaqchikel Enrollment Date: November, 2014 Vivian is currently enrolled in public middle school in Panajachel, Guatemala. Extremely gifted, she volunteers regularly at an organization called Naturopathic Medicine For Global Health (NMGH) whose mission…

  • 0% Funded
  • $0.00 Funded